Thursday 1 June 2017

Taking the good with the bad

As I think I must of written this on this blog one million times before, but the nephrotic journey is a total rollercoaster in terms of emotions as well as just day to day life in general. This week for me has just proved it once again, just when you think things might be going your way back comes that little green square to throw your life into chaos once again.

I'm now home from uni for the the summer and last week after getting all my essays and work back  I know I have passed second year with a 2.1, which has given me a massive boost considering I had a relapse totally slap bang in the middle of deadline season and of course there has been points where I didn't think i'd even get to uni in the first place. (Big up to my Uni pals for getting me through the sticky times!) So its safe to say at the end of last week I was feeling really positive and everything felt back on track, dare I say it I felt pretty normal. Cue nephrotic syndrome to put an end to that.

It had been a couple of days of trace dips but i'd just shrugged them off as nothing, it was easy to put it down to stress and the busy schedule of returning home and stuff. Not so easy to pretend a plus 2 is nothing though is it! See I was convinced I wouldn't relapse for a while after February's return as I had been on antihistamine and convinced this was the underlying issue, to be totally honest I think it still is this is the third relapse i've had at this time of year, so its got to be something! I Just don't think that over the counter aids had been enough to combat my reaction to the pollen.

After 3 days of Plus 2 I contacted my specialist and as he's away was advised to go and get blood tests so we can catch the relapse quick- I know a relapse is plus 3 for 3 days really but when I start seeing the signs my  doctor tries to diagnose it ASAP to avoid swelling and stuff especially as I don't think my scars on my legs could take many more swelling incidents.

So bloods were done yesterday and now we a playing the waiting game! I know that relapses are awful and I'm not saying I'm okay with all this (I've cried enough tears and been really angry!) But what else can I do need to just get on with it and get through it, it's not stopped me this far so I'm not going to let it start getting in my way now. I feel like I need to keep up to date on here as you people are kind enough to take the time to read this, so I can at least take the time to be honest.

Sending so many yellow thoughts to everyone! Hope all neph kids are finding their exams okay, remember you are unstoppable!

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