Tuesday 2 February 2016

Resuming usual service

As I explained in my last blog I've been trying to cut down my pred dose and I have to say so far so good, I'm only just past to two week mark but that's always abit of a celebration seeing a yellow stick for two weeks after a cut down. I've got to say I'm starting to feel back to normal even with an alternating dose, my moods seem pretty much back to normal (I say normal, as normal as it goes for a  stressed and overloaded by uni 19 year old girl)

But I've been in the normal routine for 2 weeks now too and feel like I'm pretty much keeping up with my work load and just living away from home again, without flaking, pretty good with the worry of relapse always in the back of my mind!

 This week I joined another Facebook group for people like me; so many different stories, sometimes I find it over whelming, I wouldn't wish this stupid thing on my worse enemy,  there is some wonderfully brave people out there. NS doesn't rule our lives or define who we are either, the strength to motivate yourself to live like you want and fight dodgy kidneys is what makes us NS suffers great. I have so much respect for you all.

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