Wednesday 29 April 2015

Theres a fair few of us out there...

It wasn't until Sunday night when I was messing about on the internet that I found the Nest charity/ trust that has been set up for people like me that suffer from Nephrotic Syndrome and I have to say I was overwhelmed for the first time in ages I felt like I wasn't some freak that had dodgy kidneys and no one really understood what was up with her. 

This was when I decided it would maybe be a good idea to start sharing this blog in the hope it might help other people in the same boat as me or even put me in contact with others that have stories to share about there struggles with this syndrome. So please if you are reading this and your kidneys hate you too get in contact with me! I hope my blog might have helped you feel more normal. 

Now I've discovered Nest I'm really trying to raise awareness and hopefully raise bit of money so that we can one day find a cure. This isn't me being selfish but on the trusts website there are stories of young children suffering like me and I cant imagine what it is doing to them, they need the chance to live a normal healthy life!

Im hoping my blog is another way of raising some more awareness because it shocked me that my band Facebook page has more likes than one for a charity that is trying to raise money and awareness for a very serious illness. 


  1. Hey, I've just read your blog via the NEST website. My husband suffered with NS aged 18 months and was finally given the all clear at 17. He's now 34 and we found out Monday it's returned after all those years. He's shocked and gutted to say the least. He had a kidney biopsy on Tuesday and we get the results next week. He's back on the steroids and is hating it. You're not alone and I hope things start to improve for you soon. X

    1. Hi, Thank you so much for reading my blog it means a lot. This all coming back must be so awful for both you and your husband especially after all these year. I really hope things get sorted for your husband and things are okay when you get the results back.

      Thank you and I hope things get back to normal for both of you soon x

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