Sunday, 14 May 2017

my body, my rules..

So I guess this is my blog entry to go along with the photos of my scars and stretch marks I posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago as part of the loose women campaign #mybodymystory, I chose to take part in this because I feel our bodies and the effect this illness has on them, means we have a story to tell thats not often seen, as its an invisible illness in many ways sometimes my scars are the only thing that physically reveal that I'm fighting anything at all. Also me being me, felt that younger people who live with marks, scars and abnormalities deserve as much of a voice as the mothers and other older women that the shows campaign was giving most of its coverage to, of course all the people that shared were fabulous, just we are too!

In the last few years having other NS issues to worry about  has made my scars less of a major issue to me. Like I always say I'm pretty proud of them, I guess my feelings on celebrating the female form and what we are capable of has meant I've had to make my peace with my body, but I have to say I feel a lot better for it. Over the last few years I've had my battles with my body image whether its been the weight gain of steroids, the chubby moon face, the hair loss and bruising I've been pretty low, but once I decided that my body was mine and if I wanted to feel good it had to be for myself and not anyone else, By not appealing to unrealistic beauty standards that were really damaging to me at that point.

Might have a little chub and a load of scars
but trying to be proud of it all
I know now because of what I've been through my body is never gonna look like the models in cosmo, but hey I think thats pretty great, we are all fighting our own battles and we are all going to look different because of that!

I have to say a huge thank you to the wonderful reactions I got to sharing my photos, makes me realise its worth sharing things that I normally wouldn't if its going to raise awareness. All the love for my scars makes me more confident than ever and I hope other people realise they should be proud of they bodies.  I'm embracing mine, scars and all!