I'm really sorry I haven't posted for an awfully long time but I have had a lot to face up too, to over come. In reality I had to grow up.
Back to June 2014, after months of relapsing and discovering I had become resistant to steroids, I was given Tracrolimus; the American version of cyclosporin. For those who don't know these both work for by suppressing the immune system so my kidneys no longer kicked up a fuss, however these American drugs had far less embarrassing side effects, such the growth of facial hair, not something that an 18 year old girl really wants to here.
But I have to say these tablets have worked a dream, somehow they got me back to normal and I managed to get through my A levels without failing, go on holiday and create so amazing memories with my friends before they all headed off to uni.
Coming down slowly off the dreaded steroids, even the side effects of anxiety that most of us feel on them started to calm, I still had and occasionally still do have episodes of panic and anxiousness but I feel the best I have in a long while.
I have had to face some issues; my boyfriend moved away to uni this year so I had to learn to live without my comfort blanket. But back to positives- I have managed by myself and I feel strong and confident. He, along with my family have made me feel like anything is possible despite these slight set back and not let my illness define me.
Im hoping if anyone reads this and Is going through similar things to me this might help, if anyone wants to talk please contact me!!