Monday, 16 May 2016

In Control

Sorry its been a while, what can I say its been totally mental the last couple of weeks. With essay deadlines, degree exams and moving back home to sunny Lowestoft after finishing my first year at uni i've hardly stopped let alone had the time to sit at the computer and catch up of this blog, but I'm back now.

Sometimes its hard to find inspiration, I mean I know we all live with nephrotic, but I don't want to bore you all with just day to day life these blogs all need a point or something that we all at least kind of relate too. Then it came to me earlier as I stared at my jug full of wee and happily smiled at a little yellow square on my dipstick, although it might not be the most glamorous thing in the world, dipping water to check for protein is one of the most important rituals (can I call it that??) in our lives.

I came on to dip sticks pretty late into my nephrotic journey my nephrologist always used to dip my water on appointments but then it suddenly dawned on him that we could track my relapses and catch them earlier if I dipped my water myself ( I know most of you have been doing this from day one but my neph took a bit longer to cotton on) it's really helped though as a lot of you will know its so much more simple to track whats going on with your body. On the most positive side it allows me to know when I'm back in the clear or wether a relapse is on the way, allowing me to catch it earlier and before all the swelling and horrible things kick in.

It might be different for those of you with younger children, but being the age I am i feel it gives me better understanding of my body and also allows me to constantly keep in control of whats happening, after all at the start it was the fear of the unknown that scared me the most at least now its not just infrequent hospital tests that provide me with good or bad news.

After all we all know that a yellow dip after a week of green is one of our fave sights in the world