It's not something I've really come across people talking about, I guess it's not really something people want to talk about. I mean we don't exactly live in a culture that promotes blemishes of any kind on a women, no wonder for the last year and a half I've been frightened too show the marks nephrotic syndrome has left on me. I don't want to rant but, scars on a man are seen as a sign of strength and maybe it's time I started looking at mine in a similar light.
I felt inspired by the Instagram campaign #loveyourlines all these brave women sharing there stories of how there marks and scars have made them who they are today- I mean no one goes through life with no bumps or scrapes just some peoples are a little more permanent. Although my scars maybe ugly and when I wear shorts I've heard people whisper, they are part of me and part of my fight against NS what else do you expect when you've been blown up like a balloon 5 or 6 times gaining a load of weight you'll loose in a couple of days. My best friend calls me a tiger who earned my stripes and I think I'm starting to listen too her, why should I be ashamed of something I've gained when fighting my hardest too get well and feel good again.
I hope this means that my attuides starting to change this post is the first step to me accepting my now slightly fading scars. I want to give a big thanks to the women of Instagram who made me feel pride in myself. For anyone out there with NS who has stretchy steriods scars like me- if you can deal with nephrotic syndrome everyday you don't need to let a few marks get you down.